Innocence Lost

I'm a Seinfeld fan. I always loved that show, and I always loved the crazy character that Cosmo Kramer was. The show ended its run in 1998, and to this day, I watch episodes in syndication. I personally own 5 seasons of the show on DVD, and this morning, on my way to buy Jay-Z's latest, 'Kingdom Come', Seinfeld Season 7 was there. My initial reaction was to pick it up, but after the embarrasing pain I felt from a revered comedic individual like Michael Richards, I simply couldn't.
I watched his apology on Letterman. I personally feel that Letterman was the wrong show to do it from. He should be on Larry King Live, and take calls. He should be pleading for time with the editors of Ebony, Essence, Vibe and even Sister 2 Sister.
The innocence has been lost, and I for one am sadder for it.
I'm Joe, and that's how I see it.
Just got back from the honeymoon and saw your little post on this. Had no idea what happened, so I searched a little and found the video. That was some crazed ranting! But, leaving the Seinfeld #7 on the shelf apparently won't hurt him--I think Seinfeld/David get all the money anyway unless the deal was reworked.
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