Bon Anniversaire mon soeurs!

To the lovely ladies that comprise one of the greatest collections of African American intelligencia anywhere on the planet, I must bid you a very Happy 125th birthday.
On April 11, 1881, Spelman College was founded in Atlanta at Friendship Baptist Church. Since that time it has become one of the world's most easily recognizable centers of education, specifically for that of African American women.
I am sure debate will ensue, but let's put it plainly, there is only one school that has done so very much to educate African American women who have gone on to become the leaders of this country and this world in their respective fields. That school is Spelman. There is a reason that the gates and walls are so high, because there is something so special and unique worth preserving inside the cozy comfines and hallowed halls that comprise 350 Spelman Lane.
If you've never been there on a Friday, and let the sun caress your face while smelling the oils and incense from Market Friday, nodding your head to the music booming from the speakers spun by DJ PNut or DJ Design, while catching up with your friends and seeing what's going on that particular weekend, while watching ladies in greek line jackets move and talk to other girls in greek line jackets while younger girls ogle them and try not to catch their eyes, then you don't know what it's like to appreciate Spelman.
If you've never been to a program at night in Cosby or Sisters Chapel filled to the rafters with Spelmanites listening intently to anyone from Nikki Giovanni to Afeni Shakur to Al Sharpton, then you don't know what it's like to appreciate Spelman.
If you've never been on campus while the ladies are wearing their white dresses, then you don't know what it's like to appreciate Spelman.
And if you've never been to Morehouse Coronation, knowing fully well that 98% of the ladies on the courts represented are from one institution, then you don't know what it's like to appreciate Spelman.
Happy Birthday Spelman, and I sincerely hope that you are around for at least another 125 years. From Abby to HH to Morehouse-James to Packard to Giles...Happy Birthday.
I'm Joe and that's how I see it.
That third paragraph brought a tear to my eye.
I agree the parade of white dresses, flesh toned stockings, and black shoes IS a sight to behold. I miss that. Happy 125th SC!
The white dress comment got me too!! (tear,tear)...
thought you might enjoy a preview of your man Sam's new movie
JC, I've read a couple of your blogs. Wow! They're so poignant. I loved reading this blog. You captured the true essence of Spelman so beautifully. Thank you for being a true Morehouse brother.
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