Get A Life and Leave Him Alone

If you were on your job, and you were accused of doing something and no one had any tangible evidence that you'd done it, (and you'd never been caught doing it) wouldn't you be tired of people hounding you about it? Exactly.
Get a life and leave him alone.
And just for a second, why is 714 seen as Babe's record? Where in the history of sport is the second place total of something seen as an accomplishment? Where in the history of sport has a second place ranking been deemed better than the first?
And don't tell me it's because it stood for so long. So what. Ted Williams or Willie Mays would've broken it if they hadn't served (5 and 2 years respectively) in the service and missed seasons. Give me another excuse. Oh, can't. That's right, because it doesn't make any sense.
Get a life and leave him alone.
I'm Joe and that's how I see it.
One reason why 714 matters in the a sport of records is how incredible it was for its day. No one hit 40,50,60 home run seasons. Few even hit 30 a year. There were seasons where Ruth hit more home runs than entire teams combined. Though his record was broken by Aaron (an incredible feat of skill and longevity)the fact that Ruth was a Yankee and by far the most dominant and charismatic player helps keep his LOVEABLE image alive. Bonds is apparently a pain in the ass and the media who work with him each don't like him, so expect bad stories. Plus, people eventually like to see the giants fall on their face.
joe, love the blog man. been a reader for a while now courtesy of Lloyd's link to your page. you bring up a lot of valid points and i commend you for sharing "how joes sees it" with the world. peace.
-B. Jones
MC '04
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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