You know, I grow tired.
I have assumed that Trent Lott was a virulent racist and a sorry individual ever since I first heard his name. Why in the world is everyone so surprised?
The Senator's comments at Strom Thurmond's birthday party a few weeks ago are just glimpse into the personal beliefs of the man representing a state known for its oppression of African Americans. Is it any wonder that things are the way they are in the Magnolia State with a senator like this in office? Is it any wonder that things are the way they are in the United States with this man ascending to the mantle of leadership in the U.S. Senate?
I don't know his voting record. I've read it wasn't African American friendly. And I believe that. I do however, remember how he came out so viciously towards President Clinton. I remember specifically the former Ole Miss Cheerleader coming out so vocally in support of censure and impeachment of the President when he was going through a very public controversy. Malcolm said that the chickens come home to roost, he called things justice, and that's exactly what I call this for Lott, justice. He deserves every bit of negative press and hot light that's cast his way. He deserves every aspersion thrown his way as well because he dished it out before, so now he feels what it's like to live through a storm of controversy.
Look at the real problem. Quietly these public servants toil in personal belief obscurity, walking around thinking what they do, normally never having their true beliefs put into the national forefront. So what Lott is going through is watched at least by this educated voter with delicious delight...
And John Lewis...I can't understand what he's saying. I have a great deal of respect for the Congressman, but to essentially sweep this under the rug, is criminal.
I'm Joe, and that's how I see it.
Oh, and by the way thank God for James Carville and others like him. I voted for Clinton in '92 and '96.
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