A few weeks ago, I did a similar list for Atlanta, and for some odd reason, I'm really feeling nostalgic about the little school known the world over for educating African American boys and making them men...Morehouse College.
Maybe it's the crisp February air, my alma mater's 139th birthday on Tuesday, February 14th, or the comments from UGA grad and most welcomed frequent commenter, Gen, but I'm feeling incredibly proud of the House lately, so here it goes...
1. Because Morehouse is the only college in the United States of America that is all-male and predominately African American.
2. Because Samuel L. Jackson is a member of the class of 1972.
3. Because Graves Hall is so majestic.
4. Because Morehouse sits on a former confederate battle field. In other words, it is so fitting that young African American men walk to class and are educated where confederate soldiers once fought so that would not be a reality.
5. Because our basketball team is guaranteed 20 wins a season.
6. Because Crown Forum, nearly every Thursday at 11AM.
7. Because Morehouse's campus newspaper was founded in 1898, the oldest of any HBCU in the country.
8. Because Clark Atlanta is right next door.
9. Because Dr. Walter Eugene Massey, '58.
10. Because the Davidson House is so choice.
11. Because during special events, there is always an influx of Cadillacs.
12. Because our school history, "A Candle in the Dark" is so well written.
13. Because Morehouse has three single letter fraternity chapters.
14. Because though we got our colors from Colgate, Maroon and White go together so beautifully.
15. Because Miss Maroon & White 1984-85 Adrienne Joi Johnson, played 'Sheraine' in 'House Party.'
16. Because we miss Morris Brown.
17. Because of the delicious smoothies served in our new on-campus jazz cafe, Jazzman's.
18. Because Dr. Hugh Morris Gloster, '31.
19. Because our rivarly with Tuskegee has nothing to do with athletics, but is rooted in the difference in ideals between DuBois and Washington.
20. Because we have the most successful tennis team among all HBCU's in Division II.
21. Because we produce more African American male doctors than any other school in the country.
22. Because Dr. Tobe Johnson, '58.
23. Because despite the probable outcome, we still pack B.T. Harvey stadium.
24. Because unlike several other schools in Georgia, our athletes graduate.
25. Because Woodruff Library.
26. Because fried chicken day in Chivers Cafeteria.
27. Because every decision Dr. Massey makes gets better and better.
28. Because Black Enterprise has stated that we are the number one school for African Americans for the past 8 years.
29. Because Spelman sisters.
30. Because New Student Orientation.
31. Because Spirit Night.
32. Because Dorm step shows.
33. Because on any given night, the tennis courts are fully occupied.
34. Because the basketball intramural playoffs draw crowds that include local celebrities and professional athletes.
35. Because Andre Pattillo, '79.
36. Because Mr. Sterling Hudson, Director of Enrollment Managment.
37. Because Sam Jackson was on the championship swim team.
38. Because Steven Schukei, '98 was elected vice president of the SGA.
39. Because Morehouse-Spelman homecoming.
40. Because Martin Luther King, Jr. Internationa Chapel.
41. Because you can always go home again.
42. Because Morehouse campus police.
43. Because Thomas J. Kilgore Campus Center.
44. Because Martin Luther King, Jr., '48, lived in Joseph T. Robert Hall, and it still stands.
45. Because we didn't have a website until 1997.
46. Because along with Spelman, we were the first HBCUs on Facebook.
47. Because Dr. Mordecai Wyatt Johnson, '11 was the most influential president of Howard University, and Dr. James Nabritt, '23 succeeded him.
48. Because Shelton 'Spike' Lee, '79 lived in Charles D. Hubert Hall from 1975-79.
49. Because Benjamin Elijah Mays.
50. Because transfer students live in Mays Hall.
51. Because of the tranquility of Danforth Chapel.
52. Because Dean Lawrence Edward Carter.
53. Because Coronation.
54. Because Student Government elections are bloodsport.
55. Because a haircut will never cost more than $5.
56. Because Edwin Moses, '78.
57. Because the proper amount of arrogance is instilled in each member of the incoming class.
58. Because the Biology Department is one of the largest producers of preachers and business majors.
59. Because Dr. Howard Thurman, '23.
60. Because we are the only college or university in the country that has an alum with a national holiday in his honor.
61. Because looks can be deceiving.
62. Because a walk through Brawley Hall can allow your ears to hear ten to fifteen different languages.
63. Because our homecoming concert is the one that Atlanta comes to.
64. Because Mahogany 'N Motion.
65. Because the Morehouse v. CAU game is the biggest bet in town. A rivalry game only second to the UGA-GT football game in Georgia.
66. Because we used to play Howard for homecoming...fearlessly.
67. Because after the realization of one secret society at Morehouse, several other pathetic attempts have sprouted up.
68. Because at Homecoming in 1996, Jamie Foxx, A Tribe Called Quest, Ice Cube, Jay-Z and Kirk Franklin all performed.
69. Because Spelman College.
70. Because Keshia Knight Pulliam, was on the 1999-2000 Miss Maroon & White court.
71. Because Friday afternoons are reserved for wasting limitless time at Spelman.
72. Because the best snack machine is at the Physical Plant office.
73. Because Rep. Sanford Bishop, '68 (D-GA).
74. Because graduation is such a beautiful ceremony.
75. Because Henry M. Goodgame, '84 inspires us to be better.
76. Because 'School Daze.'
77. Because there is no shortage of supporters, brothers and true friends.
78. Because our in-class philosophy is 'support each other.'
79. Because Mr. Bobby Westbrooks is so very, very cool.
80. Because there is a definite distinction in the grass that seperates Morehouse and Clark Atlanta University.
81. Because we never see anyone from Morehouse School of Medicine.
82. Because two of my Political Science department classmates were Rhodes Scholars, Chris Elders, '02 and Tope Folarin, '04.
83. Because the Morehouse College Glee Club's rendition of 'Bethelhemu.'
84. Because everybody who's anybody drops by to see the campus and say hello.
85. Because former Surgeon General, Dr. David Satcher, '63.
86. Because Lerone Bennett, '49, Executive Editor of Ebony Magazine and accomplished African American historian, was the Editor-in-Chief of 'The Maroon Tiger' during the 1948-49 school year.
87. Because The Candle in the Dark.
88. Because Collegiate Exchange.
89. Because of the 12 inch Gutbuster, steak and cheese with ketchup, pickles, salt and pepper, with fries covered in ketchup, salt and pepper with a Cherry Coke.
90. Because Hank Aaron, husband of Morehouse trustee Mrs. Billye Aaron, owns the Church's Chicken and the Krispy Kreme up the street.
91. Because I bought 'ATLiens' and 'Life After Death' from The Mall at West End.
92. Because Spelman's LLC was my sister dorm.
93. Because visitation rules at Morehouse rarely if ever apply anymore.
94. Because the laundry facility under Graves Hall is so convenient.
95. Because Hon. Maynard Holbrook Jackson, Jr., Esq., '56 was Atlanta's first African American mayor.
96. Because Rep. Major R. Owens, '56 (D-NY).
97. Because at Morehouse, legends never die.
98. Because Rev. Dr. Calvin O. Butts, III, '72.
99. Because our school spirit and pride knows no bounds.
100. Because hatred of our institution is usually the direct result of a rejection letter.
101. Because there are currently three Morehouse men on the Atlanta City Council.
102. Because Dr. Michael L. Lomax, '68, president of the United Negro College Fund.
103. Because the annual Morehouse-Spelman Christmas Carol concerts.
104. Because the grounds are always expertly manicured.
105. Because despite what you may have heard, we actually embrace the diversity of fellow classmates backgrounds, socio-economic levels and lifestyle choices.
106. Because Geoffrey Robinson Bennett, '02.
107. Because running into Omari Young is always a good thing.
108. Because back in the day, the Hawks used to hold practices at Archer Hall.
109. Because Julian Bond, '72.
110. Because the Morehouse Mystique.
111. Because 'you can always tell a Morehouse man, but you can't tell him much.'
112. Because our track team has dominated the SIAC for at least the last ten years.
113. Because Mr. James Stotts, Director of Financial Aid.
114. Because Dr. Louis Sullivan, M.D., '54.
115. Because graduation lists.
116. Because need sheets.
117. Because we were the only Division II school in the country that Nike sponsored selling merchandise all over the world.
118. Because Bill Nunn, '76.
119. Because the first African American Rhodes Scholar from an HBCU, Nima Warfield, '94, is a Morehouse Man.
120. Because the class of 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005.
121. Because Adrienne Harris keeps everything going.
122. Because Morehouse is the only school that has an alum with a street named after him in every major city in the world.
123. Because never, have so few, done so much, with so little.
I'm Joe and that's how I see it.
124. Because you'll never understand.